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Galerie Carolyn Heinz, Hamburg, 15. February - 08. March 2025 20 ___Jahre Galerie Carolyn Heinz Opening: 14. February 6-9pm Artists: Gabriele Basch I Fernando de Brito I Katharina Büche I Kerstin Drechsel I Lars Eckert I Jens Hanke I Moritz Hasse I José Carlos Izquierdo I Martin Kasper Astrid Köppe I Gesa Lange I Martin Meiswinkel I Esther Naused I Susanne Piotter I Katja Pudor I Johannes Regin I Yin Meng I Miriam Zadil Opening hours Tue - Fri 2 - 6 pm, Sat 12 - 4 pm ![]() [more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ frontviews at HAUNT, Berlin, 17. January - 13. February 2025 Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles - ColLaboratory Curated by Almut Huefler Opening 17. Januar 2025, 6-10pm Performance "Forms of Touch", Katja Pudor, Nicole Wendel, 7:30pm Artists: Natalia Blanch I Atinka Di Muro I Alice Dittmar I Ulla Hase I Timo Herbst I Kiran Katara Ulrike Mohr I Katja Pudor I Oliver Thie I Nicole Wendel I Philip Wittmann Open on Saturdays from 2-5 p.m. and by appointment 0151/121421271 frontviews at HAUNT, Kluckstraße 23 A, 10785 Berlin ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Projektraum brauer, Köln, 13. December - 13. February 2025 Künstlerische Intelligenz. Curated by Gérard A. Goodrow Opening 12.December 2024, 6-10pm Artists: Boris Becker I Jessica Buhlmann I Nanett Dietz I Chris Doulgeris I Willem Habers I Linda Nadji I Katja Pudor I Christiane Rasch I Kai Richter Open on Saturdays from 2-5 p.m. and by appointment 0151/121421271 Projektraum brauer, Roonstraße 60/Garage, 50674 Köln ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, 15. November 2024 - 12. January 2025 ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS + LINES FICTION Opening: Friday, 15. November, 5-11pm How are our judgements about art affected by our knowledge of the artists name and background? How is the value of a drawing determined? Where is the boundary between art and non-art? Around 1000 drawings by 1000 international artists will be presented as part of the exhibition ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS 2024 at Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin. The works will be exhibited with no mention of authorship or title and offered for sale at a symbolic unit price of 250 Euro. The identity of the artist is revealed only after the work is sold: Sold drawings will be taken right off the wall. The empty space left behind will be marked with the artist‘s full name and place of origin. The given unit sales price should not be seen as a real market price, but as a conceptual place holder for any conceivable amount of money in the art market. The exhibition was preceded by an international open call for entries. Everyone was eligible. There were no requirements in terms of content or form. The only requirement was that the submitted drawing is no bigger than A3. Age, biography or gender of the artists were not requested and did not play any role in the anonymous selection process. The exhibited drawings were selected from over 4400 submissions by the artist and project founder Anke Becker. All the drawings were put together in collaboration with the artists Veronike Hinsberg and Inken Reinert to create a collective work of art. ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS is conceptual art and exhibition project all in one: Each and every artist becomes part of a collective work of art where hierarchies are entirely absent. Parallel to the exhibition of ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS, LINES FICTION will present an extensive series of animated films. ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUS DEM KOFFER _Zeichnungen auf Reisen aus Berlin, Hamburg, Köln und Stuttgart 18.1.2025 Berlin, Köln und Stuttgart zu Gast in Hamburg Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten, Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin www.kunstverein-tiergarten.de 2./3.11. Hamburg, Köln und Stuttgart zu Gast in Berlin Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten, Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin www.kunstverein-tiergarten.de AUS DEM KOFFER ist ein Vernetzungsprojekt von Zeichner*innen aus vier Städten. In jeder der vier Städte wird ein Koffer mit Zeichnungen gepackt. Statt einer aufwendigen Wanderausstellung mit teuren Kunsttransporten fahren zwei Agent*innen aus jeder Stadt mit der Bahn und einem Koffer voller Zeichnungen in die anderen Städte. Dort präsentieren sie vor Publikum die Werke der verschiedenen Künstler*innen. Nachhaltigkeit und Einfachheit des Projekts entsprechen dem Medium der Zeichnung. Organisationsteams _Berlin: Matthias Beckmann, Katja Pudor, Anke Becker, Jochen Schneider, Anna Roberta Vattes _Hamburg: Gesa Lange, Peter Nikolaus Heikenwälder _Köln: Katja Butt, Anne Cichos, Karin Hochstatter von Strichstärke_Projekte zur Zeichnung _Stuttgart: Sabina Aurich, Melanie Grocki, Michelin Kober, Annie Krüger, Stef Stagel von Linienscharen. AUS DEM KOFFER wird gefördert von: Stiftung Kunstfonds // Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien // Bezirkskulturfonds Mitte, Berlin // Stadt Stuttgart ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Galerie Probst, 7. September - 7. December 2024 Metamorphosis - the shapes of paper Opening 06. September 2024, 6 pm Katja Pudor, The prepared table. I don′t draw, I play, Drawing Performance 17. Oktober 2024 Artists: Fu Xiaotong I Katja PudorI Leon Manoloudakis I May Carro Cabaleiro I Udo Nöger Opening hours Thursday + Friday 11 - 6pm, Saturday 11 - 3pm and appointments by arrangement ![]() ![]() Katja Pudor, Calculated coincidence III and IV, 2024 Multiple printing on book pages, 30 cm x 20,7 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Odradek XL, 05. September - 07. December 2024 Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles A collaborative exhibition curated by the artist collectives Odradek residence (Brussels) and Frontviews (Berlin). After their regular online meetings since January, the six artists from Berlin are in residence at ODRADEK this summer, working directly with the artists from Brussels. This graphic exchange will continue with a joint exhibition in "Vaste de mille-et-mille mailles". Opening 06. September 2024, 6 pm Artists: Natalia Blanch I Alice Dittmar I Ulla Hase I Timo Herbst I Kiran Katara I Ulrike Mohr I Atinka Di Muro I Katja Pudor I Oliver Thie I Nicole Wendel I Philip Wittmann Drawing performance Forms of touch by Katja Pudor and Nicole Wendel Katja Pudor and Nicole Wendel meet and touch each other in and through their drawing practice. Duration approx. 30 min Finissage 5. October, 4 pm Opening hours Friday + Saturday 2 - 6 pm and by appointment _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rathausgalerie Grimma, 15. September - 03. November 2024 SCHLEIFEN 30 Jahre Stipendien Künstlergut Prösitz Opening 11. September 2024, 11 am Artists: Maja Behrmann (Leipzig) I Sylvia Bohlen (Saalfeld) I Ulli Böhmelmann (Köln) I Roswitha Bühler (Jerichow) I Susan Donath (Dresden) I Nikola Dicke (Osnabrück) I Frauke Eckhardt (Saarbrücken) I Julia Eichler (Halle/Saale), Gabriele Freudenreich (Österreich) I Dorthe Goeden (Düsseldorf), Ute Hartwig-Schulz (Grimma) Angela Hiß (Düsseldorf) I Anna Holzhauer (Kassel) I Katrin Leitner (Kassel) I Katharina Lüdicke (Berlin) I Verena Mayer- Tasch (Italien), Katja Neubert (Halle/Saale) Julia Pfeifer (Berlin) I Katja Pudor (Berlin) I Elke Punkt Fleisch (Österreich), Imke Rathert (Hannover), Cornelia Rößler (Guntersblum) I Anna Schimkat (Leipzig) Joanna Schulte (Hannover) I Christina Stark (Berlin) I Elisabeth Stumpf (Braunschweig) I Katharina Trudzinski (Berlin) I Marianne Wesotowska-Eggimann (Polen) Silke Wobst (Dresden) I Eva von der Stein (Aachen) Opening hours Thursday to Sunday from 2 - 5pm and appointments by arrangement _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Echo contemporary art, Atlanta (US), 12. July - 09. August 2024 AFTER THE DUST SETTLES A collaboratively curated exhibition by artist collectives Tiger Strikes Asteroid Greenville (TSA GVL) and Frontviews, Berlin _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Institut für Kunst und Kultur Lehnin, Kunsthalle , 9. June - 15. August 2024 the language of my body Opening 9. June 2024, drawing performances Katja Pudor with Malou Theano Flora Hendel more dates: 22. June, 3pm and 29. June, 3pm ![]() Katja Pudor, the language of my body Drawing performances, Katja Pudor with Malou Theano Flora Hendel Ink on paper, 7,50 m x 8 m _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ paper positions. berlin, 25. - 28. April 2024 presented by Galerie Carolyn Heinz _Gabriele Basch, Gesa Lange and Katja Pudor ![]() Katja Pudor, Poesie du Romantique XVIII, 2023 Multi printed on book pages, 24 cm x 31 cm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel, 21. January - 17. March 2024 Ich höre den Mond am Tag Opening: Sunday, 21. January 2024, 11:30 am Introduction, Maik Schlüter, author and curator Performance Katja Pudor and Malou Theano Flora Hendel Performance Sunday, 25. February 2024, 11:30 am, Katja Pudor & Bergstrom-Kollektiv Finissage: Sunday, 17. March 2024, 11:30 am, artist talk Almut Hüfler and Katja Pudor ![]() ![]() ![]() Two part opening performance with Malou Theano Flora Hendel and Katja Pudor Work in progress, ink and edding on paper, 4 m x 4 m x 4 m Foto: Martin Hoffmann ![]() Katja Pudor, Ich höre den Mond am Tag Performance with Bergstrom Kollektiv: Joachim Kelber I Viola, Thomas Lenders I Kontrabass, Kilian Hartig I Djembe, Anita Stroh I Geige _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ZF Projektraum, Berlin, 18. November - 10. December 2023 Katja Pudor _Le temps. L´espace. Le corps. Interventions Wednesday + Thursday, 6 - 8 pm Guests: TANIA ELSTERMEYER, 23. November, MALOU THEANO HENDEL, 29. November, ANDREA VAN REIMERSDAHL, 30. November [more] ![]() Katja Pudor, Le temps. L´espace. Le corps. Installation, ink on paper in various sizes _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ODALISQUE BERLIN - Space for art and embodiment, Berlin, 17. November - 16. December 2023 The Inner Voice Opening 16. November 2023, 6 - 9 pm Artist talk 2. December 2023, 4 pm Finissage 16. December 2023, 4 - 7 pm Opening hours Thur - Sat 4 - 6 pm or by special appointment ![]() Katja Pudor, Outside and inside at the same time, 2023 Ink on canvas, 160 cm x 320 cm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ www.linesfiction.de Zeichnung & Animation / Roots & Networks LINES FICTION, Bettina Munk, Drawing & Animation A Talk with Stella Geppert, Katja Pudor and Nicole Wendel about Performance & Drawing ![]() _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Performance Weekend at Kleine Orangerie, Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin, 8.-10. September 2023 Draw the lines, lines buzzing Katja Pudor with Hilary Jeffery and Elena Kakaliagou Sunday, 10. September, 5pm In the performance Sounds draw the lines, lines buzzing Katja Pudor, Hilary Jeffery and Elena Kakaliagou work together for the first time. In the performance, which lasts about an hour, something common develops equally in the process, as in a petri dish. Each influences the emerging work with her/his personality and her/his specific working context. On a white sheet of paper measuring 4.50 m x 10 m, a draftswoman and two musicians enter into resonance. In order to be able to react to the sound emerging from different sources, the attention of the players is focused on "hearing" and "perceiving" each other. Hilary Jeffery is a brass player and composer active in improvisation, electronic and contemporary music. Elena Kakaliagou, horn player in the field of contemporary, improvised and free music, working in Berlin since 2010 and always with pleasure open for new encounters on stage. ![]() Katja Pudor, Draw the lines, lines buzzing, 2023 Ink on paper, 10 m x 3 m, duration 45 min Kleine Orangerie, Schloss Charlottenburg foto@Silke Schneider _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ZEICHENRAUM eine Zeichnung entsteht, Mehrzweckhalle, Berlin, 29. July - 20. August 2023 The prepared room _I don't draw, I play Opening Weekend 29./30. July, 3 - 6 pm Grafic performances 12./13. August, 3 - 6 pm Finissage 19./20. August, 3 - 6 pm At the finissage Isabel Maria Groll and Katja Pudor talk with each other * The project "ZEICHENRAUM eine Zeichnung entsteht" is curated by Claudia Busching Mehrzweckhalle, 13187 Berlin, Elisabethweg 4a Supported by WILLMS NEUHAUS Foundation - Zufall und Gestaltung [more] ![]() Katja Pudor, The prepared room _I don't draw, I play, 2023 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ODRADEK, Brussels, 15. July - 17. August 2023 outside and inside at the same time Transfer and resonance Upon her arrival in residence at the beginning of July, Katja Pudor, immediately occupied her territory by covering the walls with sheets of paper more than three meters high. The first exhibition room facing the street was thus wrapped from the walls to the floor included. In the whiteness of the paper and the space that has become receptacle, the artist places herself in position to trigger the action of drawing-writing while playing her instruments, brushes-prostheses extending his body. The body is an integral part of the arranged space, integrated in order to function as a sounding board. Katja Pudor, like the musician, plays with her instruments, composes a writing-signs that extends into the space by a particular presence to herself. The artist, transformed into a dancer, displays on the paper a written-danced account of the movements dictated to her by her inner sound. The writing then spreads, expands, amplifies in the inscribed space that become vibrant. These signs that radiate through their presence and transfer their energy allow a rebound to the other side of writing, that of music, of choreography, of stage arts or other multiple possibilities. This actualization and materialization can then serve as a reading grid and be interpreted by choreographers and musicians. Everything happens as if in the wake of the body that gives itself and reflects upon itself, the graphic arrangement of the walls from the inside opened to the outside. Katia Pudor aims to overcome our most tenacious separations, namely: writing-vs-signs, writing-vs-dance-vs-music. Katja Pudor is a body that is prolonged, that folds and unfolds from the inside to the outside to the rhythm of standing up and lying down. Simone Schuiten, Odradek, Bruxelles, 2023 ![]() Katja Pudor, outside and inside at the same time, 2023 Side specific work, different media on paper and canvas _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunsthaus Erfurt, Erfurt, 6. May - 16. June 2023 GERADE, DIE LINIE! Opening: 5. May, 8 pm Artists: Katja Pudor and Daniela Wesenberg Katja Pudor, About hearing and listening and the possible actions that follow II / A five-part performance series as part of the exhibition "Straight, the line!" [more] ![]() Katja Pudor, About hearing and listening and the possible actions that follow II Studiobox | Theater Erfurt, Duration 1:25 h, Ink on Paper, 5,50 m x 8 m With compositions of Barbara Monk Feldman "Soft Horizons", Steve Reich "Piano Phase" and Caroline Shaw "Partita for 8 voices" [more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ⁄tmp - Projektraum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Minden, 23. April 2023 was ordnet was stört - Formale Subversionen Finissage: 23. April, 11 - 13 am Artists: Janis Krämer and Arezoo Molaei Reading performance, Katja Pudor "ich Restaurants, Sacré-Cœur hier oder Nacht", 2023 ![]() Katja Pudor, ich Restaurants, Sacré-Cœur hier oder Nacht, 2023 Textcollage, 42,5 cm x 29 cm Performance setting, Galerie Carolyn Heinz Hamburg _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Galerie Carolyn Heinz, Hamburg, 24. March - 15. April 2023 It takes more than two to tango Opening: 24. March, 6pm Artists: Gesa Lange I Katja Pudor I Heinrich Siepmann I Robin Sperling I Helmut Sturm Opening hours Tue - Fri 2 - 6 pm, Sat 12 - 4 pm ![]() Katja Pudor, Drawing as a utopian, 2023 Text based collage, 45 cm x 63 cm [more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunstraum Brauer, Köln, Roonstr.60, 10. December 2022 - 10. Januar 2023 enclosed space II Curated by Kai Richter Opening: Friday, December 9, 2022, 7 pm Introduction by Grzegorz Sliwinski, Warsaw Artists: Jeroen Cremers I Nanett Dietz I Wolfgang Flad I Gesine Grundmann I Alexandra Marati I Robin Merkisch I Katja Pudor I Kai Richter Architecture considered to be the oldest of all arts always stood the most important and pragmatic role of them all. One of architecture′s duties is to stand as a platform for exhibiting other art mediums. In "Enclosed Space" artists reverse its role. In the neutral space of white cube artists explore its fundamental elements and tasks by creating their own vision of them. Some exhibited artworks modify elements hidden in the building′s flesh, other works present ready–made building elements that change their meaning and give a new perspective in the white cube space. Part of the exhibition is created by new forms that by material and form connect themselves to architecture, but by their composition and malfunctioning form present rather its opposition. Some of the presented artworks get the inspiration from architecture′s repetitiveness and reproducibility by using its elements as geometrical decorative patterns which could be placed close to Bauhaus aesthetics. Presented forms include sound installation, sculpture, 3D architectural models, digital painting space intervention, ready–made, photographs and site specific temporal architecture sculpture that question defined ways of architecture. Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday 11am - 5pm, or by appointment kunstraumbrauer@googlemail.com ![]() ![]() Katja Pudor, Outside and inside at the same time, 2022 Installation, mixed media on (11) boards (different sizes) and acrylic on rope, carabiner, screw hook _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Galerie Carolyn Heinz, Hamburg, 29. October - 19. November 2022 ÜBERDRUCK Opening 28. October 2022, 6pm Andreas Hildebrandt I Alice Musiol I Katja Pudor I Johannes Regin ![]() ![]() Katja Pudor, Urania Universum #62, 2020 Urania Universum #63, 2020 Soft vinyl printing from multiple plates on book pages [more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunstverein Würzburg, Würzburg, 13. Oktober - 13. November 2022 I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist Opening 12. Oktober 2022, 7 pm In her solo exhibition "I feel like a dancer, a choreographer, a pianist", Katja Pudor shows a complex of drawings that are the result of an intensive examination of complex processes of reception and transfer and see themselves as seismographic traces of these processes. For Pudor, drawing is the medium that makes visible the condensation of experienced time, the recording of the momentary present, which is passing and has become the past, in the sense of setting traces on paper. ![]() Katja Pudor, I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, 2021 To Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 14 (1801), with a recording with Daniel Barenboim (2020)duration: 11 min 20 graphite pencils on paper, 70 cm x 150 cm, May 15, 2021, duration: 11 min _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MaHalla, Berlin, 14. - 18. September 2022 HUMAN ELECTRICITY II _CONNECT / RECONNECT curated by Almut Hüfler Opening: 14. September 2022, 18pm Artists: Amer Al Akel I Araba Ankuma I Fiona Bennett I Stephanie Bothor I Mina Buker I Kirstin Burckhardt I Caratoes I barbara caveng I Jeroen Cremers Louis Durra I Paula Elion I Matthias Fritsch I Edith Held I Huni Kuin Tribe I Lisa Junghanß I Maria Kassab I Andy Kassier I Lili & Jesko I Thomas Lüer Nancy Nasser Al Deen I Katja Pudor I Stefan Ihmig I Music Ashram I Kiss Nuka I Sebastian Pielles I Resorb I Palina Ringe I Sophus Ritto I Maja Rohwetter Ralf Schmerberg I Selassie I Babette Semmer I Tomomi Senda I Bernhard Vierling I Lena I Voutta&Thoas Lindner/The Other Gods I Gordon W. I Saskia Wendland Toni Wirthmüller I Yanek & Kohle I Ella Ziegler I Tina Zimmermann ![]() Katja Pudor, State of the world reports. The world flows through me. You are the world too, 2022 Multipart drawing performance, part III with Malou Theano Flora Hendel (dancer) Ink on paper, 4,50 m x 5 m _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, 3. September - 30. Oktober 2022 Worin unsere Stärke besteht - Fünfzig Künstlerinnen aus der DDR kuratiert von Andrea Pichl Opening: 2. September 2022, 5 - 10pm Künstlerinnen: Tina Bara I Ina Bierstedt I Antje Blumenstein I Peggy Buth I Nadja Buttendorf I Yvon Chabrowski I Annedore Dietze I Künstlerinnengruppe Erfurt Else Gabriel I Katrin Glanz I Henriette Grahnert I Jana Gunstheimer I Sabine Herrmann I Elke Hopfe I Margret Hoppe I Beate Hornig I Uta Hünniger I Lisa Junghanß Christina Kral I Betina Kuntzsch I Ulrike Kuschel I Alex Lebus I Ingeborg Lockemann I Wiebke Loeper I Jana Müller I Ulrike Mundt I Henrike Naumann/Susanne Rische Helga Paris I Andrea Pichl I Katja Pudor I Franziska Reinbothe I Inken Reinert I Sabine Reinfeld I Sophie Reinhold I Ricarda Roggan I Jenny Rosemeyer I Christine Schlegel Luise Schrüder I Wenke Seemann I Gabriele Stötzer I Erika Stürmer-Alex I Anett Stuth I Ulrike Theusner, Manuela Warstat I Suse Weber I Saskia Wendland I Kristin Wenzel Eva Wilde I Karla Woisnitza/Ingartan I Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt ![]() ![]() Katja Pudor, Protocols of Remembering #5, 2019 Protocols of Remembering #5, 2019 Soft Vinyl Printing on Book Pages _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BcmA, Berlin, 1. - 27. August 2022 enclosed space Curated by Kai Richter Opening: Monday, August 1, 2022, 6pm Artists: Jessica Buhlmann I Nanett Dietz I Christophoros Doulgeris I Alexandra Marati I Robin Merkisch I Katja Pudor I Kai Richter ![]() Katja Pudor, Diagonalmatrix, 2022 Acrylic on rope, carabiner, screw hook _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ZAK Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst, Berlin, 7. May - 21. August 2022 Über die Zeichnung hinaus / Beyond drawing Contemporary drawing in Berlin Artists: Sonja Alhäuser I Anke Becker I Matthias Beckmann I Laura Bruce I Claudia Busching I DAG I Jorn Ebner I Myriam El Haïk I Kati Gausmann I Bjørn Hegardt Hanna Hennenkemper I Timo Herbst I Peter Hock I Birgit Hölmer I Hannes Kater I Mark Lammert I Pia Linz I Petra Lottje I Leon Manoloudakis I Nanne Meyer Ulrike Mohr I Tomoko Mori I Alex Müller I Bettina Munk I Kazuki Nakahara I Manfred Peckl I Christian Pilz I Katja Pudor I Bodo Rott I Fiene Scharp / Christian Schellenberger I Nadja Schöllhammer I Michael Schultze I Heidi Sill I Malte Spohr I Beate Terfloth I Peter Torp I Nicole Wendel I Majla Zeneli I Julia Ziegler and Anonyme Zeichner/Anke Becker I Fukt Magazine/Bjørn Hegardt I Lines Fiction/Bettina Munk I paperfile/oqbo I Towards Sound/Fleeting Archive/Ruth Wiesenfeld Curated by Matthias Beckmann and Katja Pudor The exhibition Über die Zeichnung hinaus shows the abundance of current drawing positions in Berlin: exuberant pictorial narrative and strict reduction, figuration and abstraction, documentation and site inspection, illusion and its suspension, the microscopic and the generous, drawing as performance, in books, in space or in animation film. Whether on paper or in combination with other media, drawing goes beyond itself and crosses borders. The Berlin drawing scene also includes project spaces, magazines, networks and websites that deal with drawing and its expansion. Exemplarily, some of these projects present themselves in the exhibition. Exhibition program Opening Friday, May 6, 2022 Performance: Manfred Peckl / Katja Pudor, Shaking, brushing, scratching, pulling, holding, turning, croaking, singing, rolling, setting, folding, jumping, pouring, tilting, scraping, sounding Thursday, June 9, 2022, 7 pm, Panel discussion: "Beyond the drawing?" With: Matthias Beckmann, Christopher Breu (Hegenbarth Sammlung Berlin), Dr. Jenny Graser (Museum of Prints and Drawings of the National Museums), Berlin, Bettina Munk (lines fiction), Katja Pudor // Moderation: Ralf F. Hartmann Friday, June 24, 2022, 6 pm, Performance night, Myriam El Haïk, Il était une fois ... Jorn Ebner, Control Set for the Heart of the Sun Sunday, July 17, 2022, 5 pm, (N)ON SITE BODIES, Nicole Wendel & Jan Burkhardt (concept) ![]() Manfred Peckl and Katja Pudor Shaking, brushing, scratching, pulling, holding, turning, croaking, singing, rolling, setting, folding, jumping, pouring, tilting, scraping, sounding Three-part performance, ink on paper with different brushes foto@Michael Schulz _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Palais für Aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt, 22. May - 10. July 2022 Hannes Norberg / Katja Pudor Geradezu in den Raum hinein / Straight into the space Opening: Sunday, May 22, 2022, 2:30pm Performance: About hearing and listening and the possible actions that follow Four-part performance series, duration each: 27 min To Antonio Vivaldi, Stabat Mater (1727), duration: 27 min With a recording with Andreas Scholl and the Ensemble 415 Chiara Banchini (1995) Various brushes in ink on paper, 6 m x 8 m Katja Pudor writes and overwrites. Her drawings and performances illustrate her questions about the relationships between the present and the recent past, between presence and absence. [more] ![]() Katja Pudor, About hearing and listening and the possible actions that follow, 2022 Four-part performance series, duration each: 27 min To Antonio Vivaldi, Stabat Mater (1727), duration: 27 min With a recording with Andreas Scholl and the Ensemble 415 Chiara Banchini (1995) Various brushes in ink on paper, 6 m x 8 m _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, 4. - 19. October 2021 Mise en Scéne Artists: Jessica Buhlmann I Ingeborg Dammann-Arndt I Heike Gallmeier I Katja Pudor I Michael Schultze I Anke Völk I Daniela Wesenberg Opening: Friday, 3. December 2021, 6 - 9 pm, Performance: Katja Pudor "Between the Words I am. I hear what YOU saw" With sound by Ruth Wiesenfeld "falling into place", Duration: 13 min ![]() Katja Pudor, "Between the Words I am. I hear what YOU saw", Duration: 13 min, Various brushes in ink on paper, 4 m x 4 m With sound by Ruth Wiesenfeld "falling into place" At the backround works by Jessica Buhlmann, Heike Gallmeier and Daniela Wesenberg foto: Silke Schneider _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ alte feuerwache, projektraum , Berlin, 21. August - 3. October 2021 I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist Opening 20. August 2021, 7 pm In her solo exhibition "I feel like a dancer, a choreographer, a pianist", Katja Pudor shows a complex of drawings that are the result of an intensive examination of complex processes of reception and transfer and see themselves as seismographic traces of these processes. For Pudor, drawing is the medium that makes visible the condensation of experienced time, the recording of the momentary present, which is passing and has become the past, in the sense of setting traces on paper. Finissage 1. October, 7pm, Performance by Katja Pudor and Theo Nabicht (Bass Clarinet/Soprano Saxophone) I hear what you see, you see what I ![]() ![]() Katja Pudor, I feel like a dancer, a choreographer, a pianist, 2021 Exhibition views, alte feuerwache, projektraum, Berlin Fotos: Carsten Eisfeld [→ more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Galerie Vincenz Sala, Berlin, 21. August - 17. September 2021 Les Écrits Opening 21. August, 6pm Artists: Myriam El HaÏk I Isidore Hibou I Katja Pudor I Pierre Sportolaro I Saskia Wendland I Isabel Zuber ![]() Katja Pudor, About Appropriation I / II, 2021 Fountain pen on paper, 64,5 cm x 50 cm _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ loop - raum für aktuelle kunst @ B-Part, Berlin, 9. July - 28. August 2021 Images of Architecture I Zu einem neuen Ganzen Opening 8. June 2021 Artists: Charlotte Bastian I Louise Bristow I Susanne Bürner I Laure Catugier I Frank Coldewey I Juliane Duda I Evol I Till Exit Haus-Rucker-Co I Vanessa Henn I Ofra Lapid I Ronny Lichtenberg I Axel Lieber I Andrea Pichl I Katja Pudor I Thomas Ravens Henry Wegener I Sinta Werner I Stephen Willats _curated by Rüdiger Lange _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ frontviews_berlin, 26. June - 17. July 2021 CHARTA #1 _Movement and Space Opening 25. June 2020, 2 - 9 pm Artists: Vanessa Enriquez I Timo Herbst I Katja Pudor I Andreas Schmid I Esther Stocker & Anna-Maria Bogner curated by Jan-Philipp Frühsorge and Stephan Klee Without a space for ourselves we are not able to be ourselves, a simple and profound observation, formulated by the writer Virginia Woolf and adopted by Katja Pudor as the starting idea for her installation. A sacred space, a cell of creative seclusion. Pudor imagines herself in this space of reflection and production, drawing on large-format sheets that hang from the ceiling here like fragile protective covers, skins or walls of a fragile dwelling, a space in space emerges, mobile and fragile. A spiritual space, with traces of physical presence. ![]() Katja Pudor, My sacred own space, 2021 Installation with three drawings and a floor work Graphit on paper, different sizes [more] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ frontviews_berlin, 30. April - 19. June 2021 Concrete #2 _Snitches get stitches Artists: Bretz Holliger I Jessica Buhlmann I Stella Geppert I Birgit Hölmer & Marc Klee I Timo Herbst I Yala Juchmann & Kathrin Köster I Thorsten A. Kasper I Alana Lake I Ulrike Mohr I Susanne Roewer I Katja Pudor & Sophia Schama Raul Walch I Nicole Wendel I Christof Zwiener _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Haus der Statistik, Berlin, 10. / 11. October 2020 W E C H S E L R A U M Artists: Matthias Beckmann I Florian Dombois I Dana Engfer I Alice Goudsmit I Lukas Kleinert I Hannah del Mestre Ulrike Mohr I Katja Pudor I Jasmin Schaitl I Friederike Schäfer I Anna Schäffler I Max Sudhues I Manuel Strube I Nicole Wendel WECHSELRAUM is part of "Raum für Netzwerke und Solidarität", curated by Sarie Nijboer and Vincent Schier ![]() Time slot by Ulrike Mohr and Katja Pudor, Performance, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin, 13. March - 26. June 2020 NORTH BY NORTHEAST, curated by Katja Pudor and Nicole Wendel Artists: Nikolaus Gansterer, Stella Geppert, Katja Pudor, Christian Schellenberger, Nicole Wendel, Saskia Wendland ![]() Ausstellungsansicht "NORTH BY NORTHEAST", Deutscher Künstlerbund Katja Pudor, Nikolaus Gansterer, Stella Geppert, Saskia Wendland, Nicole Wendel, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020 Foto: Deutscher Künstlerbund, 2020 |